
When Should You Use Beachbody Performance Energize?

Got your pre-workout shake mixed and ready to go? Great — time to down it and get after that workout, right? Not so fast....

Preorder The How Not to Age Cookbook

I’m thrilled to announce that pre-orders are now open for The How Not to Age Cookbook, coming out on...

How L-Theanine Can Improve Workout Performance and Sleep Quality

If you’ve never heard of L-theanine, you’re not alone. Unless you’ve been researching relaxation supplements or pre-workout ingredients, you may not be familiar with...

An Ideal Waist Size 

The book Dieting Makes You Fat was published originally in the 1980s and then repeatedly republished. Since most people...

What Are Superfood Greens Powders and Are They Worth It?

Why should you try a super greens supplement? Even if you’re conscientious about eating a healthy, balanced diet, you probably wouldn’t mind a little...

An Ideal BMI 

Is there a unisex chart for optimal weight based on height? We seem to have become inured to the mortal...

When Is the Best Time to Take Your Supplements?

In romance and comedy, timing is everything. With fitness and nutrition, there’s typically a bit more wiggle room — any time is usually...

Why is a Balanced Diet Important?

Eating a balanced diet significantly impacts not only your physical health but also your mental health and relationship with food.  We hear it all...

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