
Five Tips To Stay Energized In Winter • Kath Eats

When it’s freezing outside, most of us want to stay cozy under a blanket and take a nap. But when that’s not an...

How Healthy Are the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat vs. Beef? 

What happens when you compare the trans fats, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol levels in plant-based meats versus animal-based...

What 100 Calories of Different Nuts Looks Like

A handful of nuts is one of the healthiest and most convenient grab-and go snacks. They can be easily pre-portioned into 100-calorie snackable...

Endless February • Kath Eats

Here’s a bit of life lately, including too much snow and birthdays galore!  Endless February We just had our third snowstorm of the winter (after...

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